3. About the mouth.


When undergoing chemo, issues arise involving your mouth. What chemo does is attack fast growing cells (ie. cancer), but this also includes other fast-growing cells - like those on the inside of your mouth. Results can range from dry mouth and tenderness to actual mouth sores. Best way to deal with this is Biotene Dry Mouth Oral Rinse (made in Canada)It will soothe your mouth for up to four hours. It also comes in a portable 44.3 ml. spray bottle to pop in your purse. Other mouth goodies: Gin Gins Chewy Ginger Candy and Queasy Drops to combat nausea. And to soothe those parched lips, try Lindi Skin Lip Balm.


2. Toques and headscarves


4. Welcome to the Sahara, Face!